Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Split Soul

Why am I like this?
I am spiritual, yet an atheist,
I am emotional, yet not sentimental,
I am so aloof, yet so concerned,
I am distinct, yet so common,
I am pure, yet so evil,
I am right, yet so wrong,
I am a fool, yet so wise,
I am prejudiced, yet so credulous,
I am biased, yet so righteous,
I am docile, yet so rebellious,
I am what I am, yet I am what not I am.
Why am I like this?

Memoirs of a Loner...

It was a full moon night with yellow being the colour of the landscape. Yellow night, seems like a wild dream, but the moon shone so bright that the darkness was cluttered and was seen only in the nooks and corners of the city’s shady places, rest was all yellow: the facades of city’s hotels, the tinted glasses of the skyscrapers, the thick walls of the tall residential cages, the black tar roads with mirrors within every yard on them, and the croaking vehicles, this was the maximum city at its best.

Undulating waves were hitting the shore, every one of them reminding me of the time spent in my life doing worthless, inconsequential deeds, fulfilling naive rustic desires and performing the prototyped routines. Was this night too one of those numerous contemplative ones where the outcome was a sad face with a tear in the eye? Or was this going to be a tipping point of my life?

Many a memoirs have been written, many a quotes have been quoted, many a prose have been read, many a songs have been sung, many a scripts have been enacted, many a men have shown the way ahead, but there are only a few who had the courage to tread that path of wisdom and freedom. Shackles are a part and parcel of man’s modern life, shackles of fear, prosperity, sincerity, faithfulness and credibility. Remove the shackles and you will have a soul, these shackles are the defining syllables of the orchestra called Human Being.

Contemplation gets you closer to the soul, closer to yourself; it is one of the keys which will open the lock constricting those shackles wrapped around you. The maximum city has a unique aura and a tune associated with it, the closer you see or hear it, the need to contemplate becomes direr. 

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Walking besides an ocean, an air of pestilence overwhelmed my heart, an air of dismay veiled it to such an extent that all my feelings, all my emotions went into a cloister and were canopied by it. I was drowning in my fancies when all of a sudden my surfeiting desire to cherish every moment of it was abated and I was purged back to myself with the splashes of brine on my face. The waves were in a playful mood and were constantly whispering something in my ear in an arcane language, leaving me and my soul utterly perplexed about their intentions, about their message and above all about their purpose. The purpose with which they had struck me, the purpose with which they had burned alive the link between my body and my soul.
The undulating waves were afflicting my sours and wounds, causing an odious sensation of agony all over my flesh, the same flesh which had committed numerous heinous crimes, which had tried to run from the gaol of death and which was now lying naked and solo on the vast stretches of burning sand.
There was no need, yet I vacillated my arms and feet to have a view of the magnanimous ocean which had saved my life. With just a blink of an eye I was able to capture the spectacular view of the horizon where the sun and my savior were playing hide and seek and the gulls were cherishing this game, the game that the nature plays day in day out. Each miniscule element of the atmosphere was saffronised, the great hand was busy changing the shades from bright yellow to orange to the darker shades with his brush of eternity .It was the time to bid adieu to the sun . Night would now creep in slowly and silently accompanied with darkness.
I was now in a melancholy state, my body had already left me to my fate, and just moving it a little, was a chimerical thought. But still my soul was burning blithely, still I had that desire to live, that voracious feeling to assimilate each and every moment that has been provided to me and to make a pile of the moments of past and to utilize those moments in achieving my dreams, in fulfilling my ambitions and in making my accolades conspicuous to the world, which may be interpreted as mercenary on my part, but I am a common man, common in my thoughts, in my feelings and in my deeds. The burning soul had replenished me with a gamut of faith, veracity and wisdom, all of which I had lost to my other self through out my life, and now I was ready to replete my soul with its long awaited insatiable desire of its freedom.
Soon I observed that the auspicious colloquy of the waves had transformed from soft whispers to roaring altercations amongst them and the beach, and I was a mere spectator of this next show which the nature had put up. I was now enjoying every scene of this drama, but my flesh was not, very soon I received an order from my verdant mind to get up and to save my freshly rescued life again from being drowned into deep waters of the ocean. I bolstered my will to live and with ebullient and gnarly thoughts in my mind I got up and trampled my way to the nearest bush under a tree.
Here I lay in equanimity in the niche of a half crescent moon and the twinkling stars and the whole universe, the universe which was conspiring to nurture my destiny, when suddenly I realized that besides me there also lay a paltry innocuous creature praying for its life. Minute observation revealed that it was a snail; a tiny little snail bruised to every inch of it, yet was being reticent to help the white ants which were trying to feed themselves from its flesh.
The snail was striving hard to survive, it was constantly maneuvering its body, it was gasping for the last breath destined to it, but the grasp of the ants was impeccable, they had left the creature helpless. Soon the snail gave up; when all of a sudden I observed that I was actually able to converse with it. It begged me its death, it had lost all its will to live, it had no ambitions and to be true no energy left to remain alive, and was desperately seeking an end to its life so that it would have been relieved of the torments which were a part and parcel of its destiny.
I was left in a quandary and this was to be the greatest decision of my freshly recovered free life. Should I kill the snail and let it rest in peace? Or should I leave the snail alone to its excruciating pain and its destiny? This was becoming more and more abstruse and was beyond my comprehension as a plethora of new questions popped up in my mind.
Was it in my destiny to kill that snail?
Or was it the snail’s destiny to be killed by me?
Or was it our destiny that I would be the convict and the snail an acquit?
Would killing the snail affect my destiny? Or would it not…? Have I got the right to do it? And many more.
But my heart dominated my mind this time and I made an instantaneous decision. My heart could not bear the sufferings of the poor snail and instinctively I gathered a stone in my hand and ended the life of an innocent creature. Was this the way I was going to start my new life? Was this an ambition for me? Would I win an accolade for such an act? Again my heart lost its control over my mind and the next round of questions started but impulsively something struck me onto my head, making me dizzy and weak and all the synergies of my organs was being withdrawn by an invisible force leading me to my ultimate truth. My vision became blurred and again an air of pestilence canopied my heart.
Lying helplessly, I watched, hundreds of seagulls circling overhead, the frogs croaking vociferously from beneath the bushes, insects too were apprehensively making noises, uproar of the sea waves was distinctively audible and the white ants were preparing themselves for a grand feast.

Friday, October 17, 2008

How power is just a click away?

Is Charles Babbage responsible for the recent Serial blasts throughout the country? A quite intuitive question but totally apt to its core. Reports have suggested that the blasts were linked to an email which was sent through an unsecured Wi-Fi connection. The same old question of the 21st century arises. Is technology worthy of use? The ill-effects of the booming technologies are canopying their benefits and creating a deep dent in the essence of their existence.
Power is synonymous to the amount of knowledge you have or the extent to which you are able to employ the resources available to you in the form of technology. This is what a terrorist does, and this is what an engineer does. An engineer or a professional employs the resources in the most optimized way to create an output which helps him fulfill his appetite for power. But the use of technology in creating terror has been a new chapter explicitly added in the book of ill-effects of technology.
A click is conceived as the source of power these days. It is the click which contributes for sixty percent of our GDP. The emergence of India as a super power is attributed to the numerous clicks which take place in our IT sector.
The click is basically a chimera in a hooded cloak.It was the click which initiated the chain reaction of a dangerous atomic bomb. It was the click which led to the vicious 9/11 attacks on the super power USA. It was the power of click which led people paranoid during the millennium computer breakdown of Y2K.
It is easliy seen that an enormous power is wielded by just a paltry click. Ironical but true.The rise of miniscule pigmies in the form of internet ports, USB drives, wi-fi connections and numerous clicks to create a bloody havoc is inevitable.The age of the Matrix is here to haunt you.Click!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It is very difficult to write the first blog. I have erased my thought for four times now from this space, but enough is enough. I would not do it again and would pen down whatever pops up in my rat sized brain. I know that I have chosen quite an interesting topic, but it's up to you guys to judge that!
Do you know how to play Peekaboo??
Ask this question to anyone from a school student to the CEO of a company, and his answer is but obvious.....Yes, I do.
But do you know anyone who has won this game?
And the answer would be NO.
Even I too don't know.How would I know who is going to peekaboo me out from the huge number of my opponents with whom I am playing. My boss, or my friend, or 'time' itself, or the neighbour's dog or my bike.
I feel even the great mathematician and physicist Einstein wasn't aware of this too. Although he came close to win the game by introducing the concept of relativity, but alas! was peekabood himself by destiny. So how to play Peekaboo and win?
The answer is simple, control your destiny, have a tryst with it and you would emerge as the greatest of winners!
But now you would complain, ''I dont know how to control my destiny?"
Isn't this a perfect example of a Catch22 situation? So the question still remains.....What say you? Any answers?